B1 Large Letter – up to 100g
Transcriptions of a jurors book, originally the property of John Preston who served a sheriff of Somerset from 1647 to 1648, and a jurors book from 1697. The two lists consist of the names, places of abode and occupations where…..
This data has been produced to mark the 40th anniversary of the Somerset & Dorset Family History Society. It contains a complete set of all the back editions of The Greenwood Tree as text-searchable PDF files, including the 40th anniversary edition…..
New Release – Version 3 Note that the CD version does not run correctly on Apple Mac computers using operating systems above 10.4 (Tiger). However copying the files from the CD to the computer hard drive, and running from…..
Parish Registers: East Coker: Baptisms 1661-1888, Marriages 1560-1885, Burials 1661-1885. Note that there are gaps in all the records, particularly in marriages, from 1632 to 1713. West Coker: Baptisms 1697-1897, Marriages 1607-1837, Burials 1613-1845. Note that there are gaps in all…..
A transcription of a photocopy of a book of Poor Law Accounts, from a book has either been lost or was destroyed by Dorset archives in the early 1950s. The Name and Surname fields have been standardised to make it…..
The Methodist Centenary Roll is a list of all the people who donated a guinea [£1/1/- or £1.05] to the Wesleyan Methodist Twentieth Century Fund [or The Million Guinea Fund] between January 1st 1899 and September 1909 when the fund was…..
(Grace Rubery) A collection of early 20th century postcards found in an album belonging to a High Ham family. The postcards are reproduced in this booklet, together with a transcription of the message, and identification of the sender and recipient…..