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Somerset & Dorset
Family History Society

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Yours Reverently … from the pulpit, the pub and the Parish Notes 1948-1953

(Rev Oliver Wilmott)  Records of village life around Loders, Dottery & Askerswell. 250 pages.  Soft covers.


Kingsmead and Weston, Childhood Memories – Growing Up in

(Pauline Forrest)  An account of a working class childhood in Bath in the 1920s and 1930s. A vivid evocation of a city changed almost beyond recognition – a city of tramcars, lodging houses, street vendors, midwinter dips in the flooded…..


Nunney, The History of

(Anthony Windrum)  Starting with the earliest settlement to the 20th Century, the history of the village has been researched thoroughly by the author, a village resident. Includes an index of names. 112 pages.  Soft covers.


Castle Cary and Ansford, Memories of

(The Living History Group)  A collection of reminiscences of life in the two communities during much of the 20th Century ? Illustrated. 179 pages.  Soft covers.
