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Tyneham – A Tribute


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(Andrew Norman) In November 1943, during the Second World War, a tiny village near the Dorset coast was busy preparing for Christmas.  Despite the conflict, the community had remained much as it always had been: the big house, church, school, post office and farms, then suddenly the residents were informed that the whole parish had to be evacuated within 28 short days to provide a training ground for the Normandy invasion. Despite promises to the contrary, the villagers were never allowed to return to live in their homes and today all that remains are a few deserted buildings and the precious memories of the last inhabitants.

The author has gathered the recollections of one of the last inhabitants, who was a seamstress at Tyneham House, to help present a vivid portrait of what had been a thriving community, which now lives in the hearts of those who sacrificed their homes for their country.

112 pages.  Hardback.