Hethfelton building site
Posted on 8th August 2021

In 1929 my grandfather Arthur Collings, a carpenter/builder by trade, became the foreman for the construction of a new building in or near Hethfelton, Wool, Dorset. He had a Box Brownie camera and he took pictures of the building site which had quite a large workforce. Some of the men, including Frank Hann later identified by my father, would have travelled from Nether Compton and stayed on-site somewhere during the week.
One thing that struck me was the height of the scaffolding poles, they look very like tree trunks to me, and I wondered how these would be made stable and lashed together.

I would be very pleased to hear from anyone with local knowledge of the area who is able to identify this intriguing building for me?
Barbara Elsmore
August 2021
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