Posted on 7th February 2023
Brick Walls session. Following our popular session last year when members sent in their brick walls for help and bright ideas, we thought we’d have another. So look out for the email asking for your vexing questions about your ancestors and send them in. Again, it will be on a first come first served basis and I’m giving people time to pull together their existing research and for researchers to tackle them. Don’t forget to tell us exactly what your question is and what sources you’ve already looked at. Be aware that the further back you’re looking, the harder it gets!
If you’ve already emailed Jane in order to attend a zoom meeting this year, you won’t need to contact us again. We will build up a list of subscribers & send out the zoom details, shortly before the meeting.
Otherwise, do contact her ([email protected]) quoting your membership number. We will then add you to our list.
Brought to you by the West Dorset Group on behalf of S&D FHS