01935 429609
Somerset & Dorset
Family History Society

Bridport: the Rope, Net and Twine Industry

Speaker Richard SimsOur local expert will be talking about Bridport’s oldest industry – going back at least to the 13th Century and still going strong Richard has written the definitive book about the town’s Rope, Net and Twine Industry If you've already emailed Jane in order to attend a zoom meeting this year, you won't need to contact us again We will build up a list of subscribers & send out the zoom details, shortly before the meeting Otherwise, do contact her...


POSTPONED Members stories led by the West Dorset Group Several of our members have told us interesting stories about their Dorset families, so we thought we’d share them with a wider audience Come and hear about their researches and surprises and connections with Dorset If you've already emailed Jane in order to attend a zoom meeting this year, you won't need to contact us again We will build up a list of subscribers & send out the zoom details, shortly before the...

Evidence of migration to North America

Speaker Jane Ferentzi-Sheppard We’ve often discussed migration to other parts of the world Here, we’re going to look at those sources local to our part of the West Country, as well as the rest of England Jane has much expertise in this subject and has led workshops and courses on migration over the past twenty years If you've already emailed Jane in order to attend a zoom meeting this year, you won't need to contact us again We will build up a list of subscribers & send out the...

The amazing story of Dr James Barry

Speaker: Felicity Herring Dr James Barry was first female doctor in Britain! Born in Cork in 1789 she was the niece of the artist James Barry RA In 1809 she disguised herself as a man and went to Edinburgh University to train to be a doctor Following her graduation in 1812 she joined the army and was posted to South Africa where she maintained her male persona throughout, even fighting a duel In Cape Town she performed the first successful caesarean section in which both mother and baby...

Member and Guest Blogs Welcome

We welcome guest and member blog posts on any topic with a family history connection and invite you to send your contributions, which should include photo/photos, to the editor Barbara Elsmore
