01935 429609
Somerset & Dorset
Family History Society

Where were you on V.E. Day?

Date: 19th March 2025
Time: 19:30
Location: The Bow Room of The Exchange, Sturminster Newton
Blackmore Vale Group

Felicity Harrison: Where were you on V.E. Day?

“I was born during WW2 but I don’t remember where I was on V.E. day. I’ve been aware that I know very little about how WW2 affected Sturminster other than the two Commonwealth War Graves in the Cemetery. So, I’ve been asking around, trying to find out from some of the locals how it impinged on their youth. The result is this talk!”

Member and Guest Blogs Welcome

We welcome guest and member blog posts on any topic with a family history connection and invite you to send your contributions, which should include photo/photos, to the editor Barbara Elsmore
