Family History Centre Christmas Lunch
Posted on 15th December 2013

Left to right round the table: Margaret Clapperton, our President Sir Mervyn Medlycott, Steve Wilkinson, SDFHS Chair Ann-Marie Wilkinson, Iain Swinnerton and Jean Haynes.
On 11 December many of the Society’s Research Centre Volunteers, together with members of the SDFHS Executive Committee and our President, gathered at the award-winning Eastbury Hotel in Sherborne for our Christmas lunch.

John Brooking, SDFHS Treasurer Rose Figgins, Carole Pearce and Barry Brock (Research Centre Manager)

Thanking Angela McDonald for organising the lunch and Ann-Marie and Steve Wilkinson for generously providing the wine.

After a lovely meal, we were entertained by Angela McDonald and Dorothy Bowers who read (in character) a sketch about Nelson and Hardy, see
Patricia Spencer