01935 429609
Somerset & Dorset
Family History Society

The SDFHS Blog

The Greenwood Tree – December 2023

The theme of the December issue of The Greenwood Tree is Mysteries and Puzzles Editor Paul Radford previews the edition which will be mailed to members at the end of November and which SDFHS members can already view or download from the Members’ Area of the Society’s website We received some interesting and intriguing mysteries for this issue of The Greenwood Tree Margery Hookings recounts the traditional tale of the bride who disappeared during a game of hide and seek on her...

The Greenwood Tree – September 2023

The theme of the September issue of The Greenwood Tree is Unusual Names and Places Editor Paul Radford previews the edition which will be mailed to members at the end of August and which SDFHS members can already view or download from the Members’ Area of the Society’s website Members came up with some highly unusual ancestral names for this issue of The Greenwood Tree Alison Johnstone probably deserves a prize for unearthing a Gotobed Gooby in her husband’s family tree  Caroline...

The Greenwood Tree – June 2023

The theme of the June issue of The Greenwood Tree was Poor Relations – The Struggle to Make Ends Meet Editor Paul Radford previews the edition which will be mailed to members at the end of May and which SDFHS members can already view or download from the Members’ Area of the Society’s website There are several unusual stories in the Poor Relations edition though by no means all of them involved poverty as such Ted Udall did some deep research into the desperate plight of the...

Snapshots in Time – (second in series)

In the first article in this series we looked at some of the old photographs likely taken by Adam Gosney and collected together by George King (1859-1932), Sherborne Abbey Verger from 1892 until 1929 George lectured on Sherborne and Sherborne Abbey to raise funds for the restoration of the Lady Chapel His photographs, on glass plates and lantern slides, have been located in the library/muniment room in Sherborne Abbey and these have been scanned by Rachel Hassall, Sherborne School...

The Greenwood Tree – March 2023

The theme of the March issue of The Greenwood Tree was Setting Sail and members responded with tales of their seafaring ancestors and stories of those who took the long voyages to the New World, Australia and New Zealand Editor Paul Radford previews the edition which will be mailed to members at the end of February and which SDFHS members can already view or download from the Members’ Area of the Society’s website There are several unusual features in the Setting Sail edition,...

Member and Guest Blogs Welcome

We welcome guest and member blog posts on any topic with a family history connection and invite you to send your contributions, which should include photo/photos, to the editor Barbara Elsmore
