01935 429609
Somerset & Dorset
Family History Society

Basic sources for tracing World War I soldiers

As the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I approaches, Col Iain Swinnerton, SDFHS Military Adviser, summarises the basic sources for tracing and identifying soldiers who fought in the War The Medal Rolls  Every soldier who served in a Theatre of War received at least the British War Medal and the Victory Medal  However, you must remember that many soldiers did not go overseas or did not do so until the war was over, when they were sent to join the Army of Occupation in Germany, so...

SDFHS Mid-Somerset Group at ‘Arch’ive Explored’

Ann-Marie Wilkinson, the SDFHS Chair, reports on an event in Wells Saturday 16th November saw seven members of the SDFHS Mid-Somerset Group in Wells helping at the “ARCHI’VE EXPLORED” Event  The whole event was organised by the Wells City and Cathedral Archivist, Dr Julia Wood  She had been on Radio Somerset publicising the event in the morning and even gave our Society a plug The event was spread across venues in Wells  Steve Wilkinson, Paddy Thomson and Peter Welch were in the...

Mills on the Yeo and the men who worked them

Colin Dean reviews Mills on the Yeo and the men who worked them This must sound like the title of a serious study – and so it is Author Martin Bodman describes it as a gazetteer of 91 watermill sites in the River Yeo basin in south-east Somerset and north-west Dorset But when you see the colourful cover and the page lay-outs containing detailed maps and photographs of most of the locations, you will be drawn to pick it up And when you discover in the acknowledgements that respected family...

An evening with Sir Tony Robinson

Barry Brock describes a recent event in Dorchester A trip to the Dorset History Centre on 30 October provided the chance to meet Sir Tony Robinson, ‘actor, TV presenter, historian and Ancestrycouk spokesperson’ This was a ‘meet the customer’ event, organised by Ancestry in conjunction with the Dorset History Centre - a ballot for tickets had been four times over subscribed It may be difficult to think of Tony Robinson as a knight of the realm, especially as the obvious name linked...

Bonfires and Dragons

Patricia Spencer summaries an event held in the SDFHS Meeting Room On Monday afternoon (4th November) Jacqueline Dillion of Harding University gave a fascinating talk on the history of bonfires in Britain for our next-door neighbours, Sherborne Museum,  who use our Meeting Room for some of their events Jacqueline is currently finishing her PhD thesis on Folklore in the Works of Thomas Hardy and so started her talk with Hardy’s description of a bonfire on Egdon Heath in Return of the...

Member and Guest Blogs Welcome

We welcome guest and member blog posts on any topic with a family history connection and invite you to send your contributions, which should include photo/photos, to the editor Barbara Elsmore
