01935 429609
Somerset & Dorset
Family History Society


Upcoming Events in Sherborne

In addition to the (usually monthly) talks organized by our 10 Groups throughout Somerset and Dorset (see http://wwwsdfhsorg/groups/) we now have a very full programme of Members' events at our Research Centre in Sherborne Full details of all these events (and others later in the year) and a downloadable booking form are on our website: http://wwwsdfhsorg/events/sdfhs-events/ but here are those upcoming between March and the end of May Starting on Wednesday 19 March (7-9pm), the SDFHS...

Grandad and Charlie Hounsell

In 2013 Barbara Elsmore arranged an exhibition on Foster's School for the Sherborne Museum and recognised her grandfather on one of the Museum's photographs I found this old school photograph in Sherborne Museum and realised my grandfather, Arthur Collings, was standing on the far left with his hands on the back of the chair of the boy in front of him The photo was taken in 1898 at Foster's School in Sherborne and is of the boys in forms IV, V and VI It was published in the SDFHS journal The...

WDYTYA? – the last day

Ann-Marie Wilkinson rounds off her diary with an account of the final day of the show Saturday As we had to pack up today, we took Barry’s car into Olympia this morning - the journey was much better than on Wednesday morning  Barry booked the parking online yesterday as it is cheaper to do it in advance,  It also meant that he could drop me off outside the exhibitor’s entrance so I only had a short walk  As we arrived we could see the queue stretching round the corner and the show...

The East Dorset Group hear about a Dorset-born Canadian, Ernest Seward.

Pat Hilbert and John Tanner of the SDFHS East Dorset Group describe their new venue The SDFHS East Dorset Group has now held its second meeting at its new venue, the Hilda Coles Learning Centre at the Priest's House Museum in Wimborne with around 30 attending on Monday 17 February to hear Alan Brown speaking on The Life and Times of Ernest Seward, a Dorset relative of his Ernest fought in the Boer War then emigrated to Manitoba but joined up again to fight in a Canadian regiment at the Somme...

Who Do Who Do You Think You Are?LIVE

The SDFHS Chair, Ann-Marie Wilkinson, has been keeping a diary during this year's WDYTYA Tuesday Car nicely packed, just need to pop into the local butchers in Wedmore to pick up some local meat to give to my hosts, Barry and Ann Rideout, who look after me for the next few days  As usual the butcher has local meat, this time it is Gloucester Old Spot pork and some of his home made sausages  The journey was fairly uneventful, although the traffic was bad around Stonehenge – the new...

Member and Guest Blogs Welcome

We welcome guest and member blog posts on any topic with a family history connection and invite you to send your contributions, which should include photo/photos, to the editor Barbara Elsmore
